![]() 12/18/2013 at 14:44 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I am constantly getting bored of beer pong, and almost bored with beer die. Anything new that 4 years at UCONN didn't teach me? I usually only play once or twice a year, and I have a party coming up to host for around 100 people, so the opportunity knocks to try something new. Remember kids, don't drink and drive!
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I try to see if I can finish more than 12oz of beer without going to sleep. It's really fun.
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woooo party time :)
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i have one called: stomach
anytime im thirsty, I have a drink.
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haha lol
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Well, here in my town we usually play this thing called "give the new guy some Fernet Branca" ;) It's very simple... Just give a shot of Fernet Brance to everyone who's never tried it before. Watch and laugh.
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Chandelier is personal favorite for me. http://collegepartyguru.com/games/pages.ph…
In smaller groups Cheers to the Gentleman is another one I really like.
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good lord that stuff is heinous
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easy enough, I like chandelier!
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I always liked flip cup much more than beer pong. It gets more than just 2 or 4 people involved and you never have that each team has one or two cups left and nothing is happening like in beer pong.
Instructions -
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Beer Hockey is pretty fun
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Ride the bus and Kings are my favourites.
Thank you Wikipedia for saving me from having to explain them.
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Mother of God, that stuff is Satin's Piss
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Edward 40 hands.
Duct tape two 40's to your hands, cant take them off until they are gone.
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ah yeah I forgot about this one! gonna be a whole lotta colt 45 going down. Wish we had some Mickeys wide mouth up here
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It's not the best thing there is, but I quite like it. Better than Jägermeister :)
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Drink 'til You Think.
Bands, Celebrities, Athletes. I say Frank Sinatra, you have to find someone whos name starts with an 'S'. If you get a double S, or a single (Sublime), it goes back to me. But you must chug your beer until you come up with something. This game gets difficult after an hour or so, as there are no repeats.
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I just saw this the other day. awesome
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Well, it' better than Jägermeister... but it's a rather accuired taste yes.
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oh yeah, we used to play with whole tables of people. Fun one!
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Time Trial Rally Drinking Game.
Every time you get through a checkpoint within 5 seconds of your target time, your co-driver takes a shot.
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I could probably pull some Brennevin out and get ALMOST the same entertainment
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wow this sounds great. My friends would love it
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on a closed course of course, right???
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We have a game we call SausageLand. Stay with me now. My buddy wanted to have a huge party for his birthday. The theme was "Let's get smashed and eat many Sausage based dishes that CalzoneGolem will prepare for us." It was great fun, everyone came in and partied with the chef while I was cooking. "Yes I will take a break and smoke/drink this with you. Thank you very much."
His roommates took a CandyLand board and cut out pictures of booze bottles from a local flyer and glued them in such a way that it looked like all the characters were getting plastered. They wrote either "Give One Shot,", "Take One Shot", "Take Two Shots" or "Give Two Shots" on a few of the cards. Each character card had something written on it.
As we played it more and more we decided that "Take Two Shots" was too much and changed them to either "Give" or "Take One." Gives don't have to be split but they usually are. We also made up a "Brandon takes a shot" card. If Brandon is there he has to take a shot even if he is not playing. If Brandon is not there someone becomes Brandon for the remainder of the game.
We came up with a rule that affected someone who was after Frostine. If another player drew a character card they could take three shots and send the other player to the character spot they picked. We decided that is should be named after the first person to actually accomplish this feat. I am proud to say that the rule ended up being named after me.
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Well at Lehigh we recently had quite the game of Beirut going which made the news recently... Link
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As the co-driver is reading the pace notes, not necessarily.
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I would only have to say the word SausageLand and my party would triple in size. Sounds fun and funny as hell. My daughters have an extra candy land board too...
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Ahh... that's right.. you've been to Iceland. Brennivin tastes almost nothing, but far more bite to it though.
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In college, I would drink. Not to alcoholic levels, but enough that I could hold my own.
Now, I'm in my mid-to-late thirties. I got drunk this past Saturday night. I'm still not ready to consume alcohol again.
Drinking game? BEER PONG (which I didn't play until a few years ago).
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holy crap is that your frat?
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Nah I'm not in one though most of my friends are. This was Chi Phi, the problem was they were already in trouble and were prohibited from alcohol in the house and as you can see they refused to follow that. So they are really in deep shit now even though they have crafted something truly masterful.
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watch the departed and everytime a character in the movie says f##k, another person takes a pull.
or the game thumper
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Up the River Down the River
Electricity (deal a card to each person, if suit or number matches, they drink. You can get significant chains going [Ace of Clubs; 8 of Clubs; 8 of hearts, would be a chain] has to be to the person left or right)
Drug Dealer (basically you pass our cards, 1 King, 1 Ace, or whatever combo you want King = Cop, Ace = Drug Dealer. Drug Dealers winks to one person in the group. The person says the deal has been made and then the cop has three guess's to who the drug dealer is.)
Hockey (card game - kind of like war, two teams of two, you have to try to match the person in front of you's card. If you match its a goal, if not the next person goes. Jacks and 2's are blocks. You can't throw blocks on blocks or as a first card thrown. Three rounds. Highest score wins)
Golf (card Game - 4 cards dealt, you swap them out until someone knocks, lowest score wins)
Look up the game Bang! on amazon, you can implement your own drinking rules
I have more, but those are the normal go to. Beer-O-Lypmic is normally summer. Some other fun ones, battle shots. Set up a cardboard and make a board like the game battleship; take shots. Have fun.
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-Circle of Death-
you need:
Deck of playing cards
Tall Cup
at lesat a few people
Place cup on table.
Fan cards in a circle around cup, face down.
Establish rules for each card. numbered cards vary, like make a rule, give drink/take drink, rhyme, etc. King is always add to cup, and last king pulled drinks cup.
Fun game, get creative.
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It is great because it is so easy to play that you can get pretty trashed while still being capable of playing.
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those are the best kind!
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This is the best game.
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I still like pong. It's close enough to basketball that hitting a game winner makes me feel like Carmelo.
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Fernet isn't bad
Try some Jeppson's Malört and get back to me
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Now THAT is some rather vile stuff.. WAY to much Wormwood.
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I have yet to try it. Next time I go to Chicago for sure. I have seen peoples reactions and it is comical.
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It's soooo bitter... I LOVE IPAs.. proper American IPAs, double dry hopped... but...
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"Hold Your Liquor"
Throughout the night, you need to keep drinking till someone passes out. First one who passes out gets dicks drawn on them. No one wins. Someone loses.
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hahahaha "no one wins, someone loses"
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asshole, most certainly
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The Pokemon board game.
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Canada is so great/
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We play Kings, it's a type of card game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kings_%28…